BOSTON! BOSTON! BOSTON! this is my other baby cosin. i took this picture on his blessing day! he is ADORABLE!
i took this pitcture the day of her baby blessing. isnt she beautiful!! this is Baby Kendal!! ONE of my to REALLY cute baby cosins!!
I LOVE CATIEE BOLLWINKLE!!!! she is my favorite cosin ever!!! we are so much alike! this picture was taken at the paul hatch... family picture...? somthing like that! well, anyway...i love her!!!
These are the blonde girls in the family. Kayla is so BEAUTIFUL!!! Shayna is such a babe!!! then theres me...
This is Me, Alanah, and Makenzie! we are the best of friends! That day we went to Apple Bees and to a movie. we had so much fun. we were in the same ward. but then it got split, so then i was just with makenzie. but we still are really close.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Theirs Kayla, Danica then me. we love each other so much and are so close. we have had so many fun times together! i love those cute girls with all my heart!!!
AHHHHH!! arn't they so CUTE together!!!!!
I abosolutly love them both. i'm so glad brennon is apat of our family. he is prefect for Dani. their so happy togther!
Well, the latest news in my life. My oldest sister just go married!!!! The wedding was BEAUTIFUL! everything was perfect, and danica was so GORGOUS!!! Danica has never been happier! well, except for when i was born! any way, she married the best guy in the world, Brennon Fish! They are soooo in love!! I'm so happy for them.