
yes, the evil shirt steeler struck again, and is now known as the "evil nose breaker!" so, there i was, minding my own business, when BAM!! a giant cold flying object came rushing down from the sky and hit me right in the middle of my fat nose! that object was a gallon of my favorite ice cream!(strawberry cheese cake!) yes, now my big nose is even bigger than before and swolen and blue! TRAGIC! i know. WE WILL GET YOU, you shirt steeler nose hitter with ice cream lady!!
I wittnessed the whole thing, even the evil laughter that took place after the spiking of the icecream carton on to said nose. Wrong. Sick and wrong.
AMEN MOMMY! lets take it to court. and run her out of town like the VERMAN she is!!
wow. such hatred. The ONLY reason why i laughed is because of the placement of the ice cream container as I spiked it onto you. I am not sporty, but that was a perfect spike. I was just a little amazed, thats all. And a little upset that you ate all of my favorite ice cream.
ok, the whole part about you not being athletic is right, but the part were you said you were laughing just because you hit it good is wrong! you were so laughing AT me and my pain and you know it!!!!!!
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